Could nose surgery alter my voice?

Nasal surgery is one of the most widely-performed plastic surgeries in the world, and is now such a standard procedure that the ‘nose job’ is one of the most common buzzwords in the industry.

However, a recent survey conducted on patients who had undergone nasal surgery has published evidence to suggest a slight change to the voice may be an unpredicted effect of it.

The study

The official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported on the findings of the study undertaken by a doctor at the Mashhad University of Medical Sciences in Iran, a country in which nasal surgery has become the most commonly performed cosmetic procedure.

The results

The study involved a questionnaire on both the patient’s perception of their own voice and that of a trained listener and the results showed a change in both the physical and emotional nature of the voice after surgery.

Occasionally a change was reported in the tone of the voice, concerning how nasal it sounded. This and the other reported adaptations in the patients’ voices are thought to be caused by the narrowing of the nasal cavity that occurs after nasal surgery.

This narrowing causes both the reduction of airflow and the absorption of sound that can contribute to the nasal tone reported from some patients.

Other findings

The results showed that patient’s themselves did not perceive their voices to have changed in a way that might interfere with their current lives, noticing only minor changes in their emotional perception of the sound of their voice.

However the trained listeners were able to detect the subtle changes in terms of voice quality with more ease.

This could mean that people who use their voice in a professional capacity should take time to consider the changes to the voice that may occur after nasal surgery, however minuscule they may be, and should discuss this with their surgeon.


Nasal surgery is still one of the most popular and well-established cosmetic surgery procedures in the world and has become available and affordable to a wide range of individuals.

There are many factors to consider if you wish to have nose surgery and at London Facial Surgeons, our qualified and knowledgeable team are on hand to give you the gold standard in medical advice and guidance.

Click here for more information about nasal surgery.

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